Investing in DEI Drives Business Success

Learn why DEI matters in building brand loyalty and business success, and how your brand can achieve its goals with PBS.
A couple sits together by a window. They appear relaxed, with the woman leaning against the man, who has his arm around her. The man is holding a remote control, possibly watching TV. Both are smiling slightly.

Why DEI matters for businesses

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become more than just trending buzzwords in the business world. They are now key factors driving the success and sustainability of organizations across industries. Companies that support social causes and genuinely invest in DEI efforts stand out to a consumer base that increasingly looks toward brands whose values align with their own. This can result in attracting new customers to your brand and improving brand loyalty among existing ones. 

The research underlines the significance of DEI in today’s consumer landscape. According to a recent survey, 7 in 10 consumers (73%) believe it’s important that brands they buy from take action to promote DEI.*  In fact, 46% of consumers will actively go out of their way to choose brands that demonstrate a commitment to DEI.** There is a growing demand for – and an expectation of – DEI efforts from consumers.

Achieving your company’s DEI goals with PBS

If companies aim to meet their DEI goals to increase customer loyalty and improve their bottom line, investing in strategic corporate sponsorships is a winning approach. 52% of consumers say  the most authentic ways for brands to demonstrate DEI commitments include broader actions and support beyond a brand’s core offerings. They need to think about external actions they can take outside of their brand’s core offerings. One excellent opportunity in this regard is becoming a corporate sponsor of PBS series that support diverse talent, stories, and representation – programs such as the leading primetime documentary series, American Experience.

Demonstrate your commitment to representation

American Experience documents important historical events from diverse perspectives, ensuring that all Americans are authentically represented. By aligning your brand to American Experience as a corporate sponsor, you support the inclusion of diverse narratives in media and give voice to stories that may have been overlooked or underrepresented in the past, including those around race inequalities, racism in America, and women pioneers.

Amplify underrepresented voices and support diverse talent

One powerful aspect of American Experience is its commitment to amplifying the voices of diverse filmmakers and talent from various backgrounds. By supporting the program as a corporate sponsor, you actively contribute to the promotion of diverse artists, allowing their stories to reach a wider audience. This not only supports their careers but also sends a clear message to your customers about your brand’s commitment to DEI.

Build Brand Loyalty and Trust with DEI

Investing in DEI efforts is no longer a moral imperative; it is a strategic business move. Consumers prioritize brands that demonstrate their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, actively seeking out those that align with their values. Aligning your brand with PBS’s American Experience sends a strong signal to consumers that your brand actively supports social progress and values that resonate with today’s increasingly diverse consumer base. As a result, you build trust and loyalty among your customers, which in turn drives customer acquisition and retention.

Contact us to learn more about how our PBS corporate sponsorship packages can help you meet your DEI goals.

*Amazon Ads 2023 Higher Impact Report
**Amazon Ads 2022 Higher Impact Report


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