Ad Strategy: The surprising platform to reach women 18-49

Discover why PBS KIDS is a top choice for advertisers aiming to reach women aged 18-49, offering brand-safe content to an audience with high purchasing power.
mom and daughter watch tv

Ever wondered what programs women aged 18-49 are really watching? Prepare to be surprised! While many media buyers and advertisers assume they’re locked into female-skewing cable network shows like HGTV, Hallmark Channel, or Lifetime, the reality is quite different. The truth is — moms and young professionals across the nation are spending a surprising number of hours immersing themselves in the world of children’s programs on PBS KIDS! But why, you ask?

Believe it or not, PBS KIDS has emerged as a powerhouse rival for attracting the attention of this demographic. Many don’t realize this, but 56% of PBS KIDS’ linear audience is A18+!* Busy moms want to spend quality downtime with their kids, and they’ve discovered that the educational, high-quality content on PBS KIDS is entertaining for adults as well. As a result, most programs on PBS KIDS reach the same — if not more! — women 18-49 as the leading female-skewing cable networks do in primetime!  

PBS KIDS competes with commercial cable networks

chart showing how PBS KIDS daytime average audience of W18-49 competes with female skewing networks

So now that we know your target audience is watching PBS KIDS, why should advertisers choose PBS KIDS as the place to reach this target audience, over the leading female-skewing cable networks?

PBS KIDS offers advertisers:

  • Brand-Safe Content: With PBS KIDS, advertisers can rest assured that their content will be showcased in a brand-safe environment. Consumers hold brands accountable for the content surrounding their ads, and 71% of consumers would feel less favorable toward a brand that advertises near inappropriate content.** Unlike the unpredictability of cable networks, your brand is always safe on PBS KIDS.


  • Lucrative Target Audience: The adults who watch PBS KIDS hold substantial purchasing power and are 136% more likely to be the Principal Shoppers of their households.*** By targeting these engaged viewers, advertisers can significantly boost their reach and influence.


  • Better Results: Advertising on PBS KIDS is more effective compared to commercial networks. With fewer ads per hour and category exclusivity for sponsors, brands capture viewers’ attention and avoid being overshadowed by competing brands. PBS KIDS viewers appreciate the limited number of sponsor messages and advertising breaks, resulting in higher brand engagement and attention.


So, when it comes to refining your advertising strategy to reach this coveted demographic, don’t overlook the unexpected, but incredible potential PBS KIDS offers your brand to reach your target audience and most importantly, grow your business. Contact us to learn more about our PBS National Corporate Sponsorship packages.


*Nielsen NTI Live+7, 2/6/23–9/24/23, A18+ & P2-17
Chart: Nielsen NTI Live + 7 average audience (000), 2/6/23–9/24/23, PBS KIDS daytime. Cable networks = M-Su 8-11p. List of programs/networks shown is not exhaustive; top “female skewing” networks based on cable networks with highest proportion of W18+ to A18+ primetime audience (000)
**Integral Ad Science “The State of Brand Safety” January 2024
***MRI Simmons Spring 2023 Doublebase, A18+, viewed PBS KIDS in past 30 days; “Principal Shopper” employment status


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