At PBS, trust is at the heart of everything we do, which is why our audiences have consistently turned to us for high-quality, educational content for decades. Our audiences trust us, and that trust extends to our national corporate sponsors, too. This positive association with PBS results in a higher purchase preference from PBS corporate sponsors.
58% of PBS viewers prefer to buy from a PBS sponsor
Viewers have voted PBS the #1 most trusted organization for the 21st year in a row
of PBS viewers say they feel more positive about companies that sponsor PBS
of PBS viewers say they respect the companies that sponsor PBS due to their association with PBS
On our platforms, your brand escapes the advertising clutter experienced on other networks. Our category-exclusive, non-commercial environment, with limited sponsor spots, creates a comfortable haven for viewers and allows your message to stand out, shine, and resonate with our engaged audience.
of PBS viewers say they appreciate the clutter-free, non-commercial environment of PBS programming.
PBS Programs
1 Hour | 4 Sponsors
Commercial Networks
1 Hour | 35+ Spots
PBS’s unique, uncluttered environment ensures your brand stands out and leaves a lasting impression in the minds of viewers. And leaving a lasting impression boosts the chances of brand recall, which boosts the chances of your company gaining new, loyal customers.
of PBS viewers say that PBS is credible
of PBS viewers say that PBS provides information/content they trust
Sponsoring PBS content is a direct step toward meeting your company’s CSR goals, because our content makes a positive impact across all communities. Our programs feature characters and stories from all backgrounds, giving shared voice and reflecting the experiences of all your employees.
Nielsen NTI Live+7, 2/6/23–9/24/23, A18+ & P2-17
Kantar | SGPTV, US Video Audience Insights 2023 “of parents with children under 12 that watch PBS KIDS"
MRI Simmons Fall 2023 Doublebase, A18+, viewed PBS KIDS in past 30 days; “Principal Shopper” employment status
Kantar | SGPTV, US Video Audience Insights 2023
Marketing & Research Resources, Inc. (M&RR) 2024
Kantar | SGPTV, US Video Audience Insights 2023
Kantar Media | History Channel’s Man vs. History 9/1/22. National messages only
Kantar | SGPTV, US Video Audience Insights 2023
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